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Mistake #1

Why aren't my emails getting read by anyone?

Did you ever send out an entire batch of cold emails only to get minuscule amounts of conversions?

Hate to break the news, but your emails are likely getting sent into the spam folder.

And if it stays like this, those campaigns you put out make non-existent revenue.


Mistake #2

Why do so many people abandon my page at cart checkout?

This one may be frustrating.

Your website can have the best design and the best copy.

But something is causing your visitors to leave in the blink of an eye.

And it's not what you think.


Mistake #3

I get visitors, but they don't navigate the site.

This is very common on any site.

And the usual reason it isn't fixed is either lack of time or laziness.

They are aware of it.

Thinking it's fine the way it is, but in reality, it's pretty bad.

And that causes them to lose a boatload of potential customers.

And I know you aren't lazy.


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